St Albans Counselling Psychology

Mindfulness. Pebbles


Like counselling and psychotherapy, mindfulness can provide us with a chance to listen to ourselves in a deeper and more receptive way, and can bring a sense of peace and perspective to our busy lives.

I practice meditation and mindfulness regularly, and have found that it allows me to notice and bear with my own thoughts, feelings and dilemmas more fully.

My work is informed by the ‘third wave’ of behavioural therapy. Drawing from the practice of mindfulness, I help clients to develop the inner resources to stay with and understand (rather than disconnect from) difficult emotions, so that they can begin to make changes in their lives.

Learning to stay with difficult feelings is usually a gradual process. Emotions can become objects to learn from, rather than ‘failings’ to try and escape from. Over time, therapy can help individuals to become less overwhelmed by strong emotions and more open to others.

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